Pins and Vids is a zany Video Magazine style format series created by Al Warner and Paul Kiefert.
Al & Paul have been collecting video games and pinballs for quite a while, and throughout that time we’ve encountered some interesting characters, and the DVDs are a result of those relationships.
The DVD series originally started as a way to help out the Pinball Hall of Fame and their building fund back in 2005. Since that time the Pinball Hall of Fame has purchased their building, so all future DVDs (starting with PV4) are being released by Pins and Vids Productions.
So far, over 5,000 copies of the first three episodes have been purchased and Pins and Vids has secured itself as one of the most popular Pinball and Arcade hobby related DVDs with This Old Pinball most likely leading the pack.
About Paul
Paul has been collecting arcade and pinball machines for around 13 years.
He’s written articles for Pingame Journal and, and is a avid Maker who is now exploring 3D printing and how it can be applied to Pinball and Video Game collecting and repair.
Retroblast Articles
Building a MAME Control Panel:
Building a MAME Cabinet from a Kit:
About Al
Al was born at the height of the depression in Shreveport, Louisiana. Son of a sharecropper father and nuclear physicist mother, he learned the importance of an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. Note: Everything about Al up to this point has been a lie.
Al actually started collecting video games after walking into an arcade auction in Pennsauken, NJ that was in the same building as a computer show. The year was 1995 and 3 games were loaded on a truck and later smashed onto the highway near the auction because they weren’t tied down properly.
In 1996 Al bought his first Pinball machine, a Data East Simpsons. He played it for a year and sold it for a $300 profit. After shopping a few of his games, he started doing it for others. He then went on to write various documents on the repair of video games and a few magazine articles. Eventually, the Pins And Vids Audio show was released in 2000 and the FIRST ARCADE INTERNET RADIO SHOW was born.
Al moves to Georgia in 2003 and finds a friend named Jake to help him make a video game version of the popular “This Old Pinball” repair series. When the “This Old Pinball” people shoot down the idea of “This Old Video Game” as a title, Al went back to his roots and called it “Pins and Vids”. Several friends of Al’s received copies of the video and the general consensus was that it was “Un-Watchable”. Rather than fix it, Al just never released it.
With the idea still in his head for a Video Magazine version of the audio show, Al found a new partner, Paul Kiefert, who always wanted to be like Al and was willing to work on the video for free! Some footage had been already shot as “opportunities” that had happened by being a member of a Georgia pinball club and having friends in the video game field.
Three videos were produced with all of the proceeds going to the Pinball Hall of Fame building fund in Las Vegas. The third of that series was a documentary on the building of the Pinball Machine “Big Bang Bar”.
A few years went by and talk of a forth video being added to the trilogy. Eventually, Paul CONvinced Al into actually releasing the material they had collected over the years. Paul was given creative control of the video and Al did some editing and the cover art.
The Future
Will we make more in the future. Maybe. There are some crazy ideas floating around in our heads. Who knows what the future brings?